February 2025

    Dear Friend of Creation,

    For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature (creation, the natural world, idols, men) rather than the Creator…” (Romans 1:25).

    The World Economic Forum (WEF), the group promoting a “Great Reset” to global rule by “technocrats”, once again held their annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland in January 2025. Included in the meetings was a discussion of how “nature has been granted legal personhood… to make it easier to bring lawsuits on behalf of rivers, forests, and other ecosystems”. The first of these designations was the Magpie River in Quebec, Canada, which was granted legal personhood in 2021 partly because of its cultural importance to the Innu native peoples. This is a “legal personification” of nature – modern evolution-supported pantheism akin to the “Gaia Hypothesis”.

    What is the “Gaia Hypothesis?” In the early 1970s, English scientist James Lovelock went public with his hypothesis – conjuring up Gaia, the ancient Greek Mother Earth goddess. He postulated that all the interconnected ecosystems of Planet Earth are part of a living, breathing, life-giving Mother and the hypothesis became quite popular. In the “Gaia Hypothesis” everything must happen for the good of Planet Earth.

    Here was a throwback to old pagan pantheistic religions – supported, this time, by the “science” of evolution. All the different ecosystems, and the cycles and circulations of water, carbon, and nitrogen somehow “evolved”, you see, in a grand dance of nature with the Planet, as if part of a living body. The Planet itself gave birth to the myriad life forms, including mankind. And, thus, in many ways, Western Civilization – though benefiting from biblical Christianity – has slid into a Romans 1 post-Christian “worldview”, where the creature (creation) has replaced the Creator. “Save the Planet!” has become the religious call in many ways, rather than “Save Mankind!” (from sin and the wiles of the devil). If Mother Earth creates, provides for, and sustains all living things, who really needs God?

    C.S. Lewis, in his book Miracles observes: “Pantheism is in fact the permanent natural bent of the human mind; the permanent ordinary level below which man sometimes sinks, under the influence of priestcraft and superstition, but above which his own unaided efforts can never raise him for very long.”

    The recent horrific fires in California brought to light some of the problems of this nature-is-god form of environmentalism. Building and maintaining robust fire defense systems on behalf of people, the “image bearers of God” and the reason for all of God’s Creation, is secondary. People have for many years taken a back seat to protecting river delta fish, and ecosystems in river canyons and forest floors. Thus, water has arguably not been diverted enough during times of plenteous rain, forest debris has not been removed, and reservoirs have not been constructed and filled. Planet “ecosystems” have been put ahead of the “images of God”.

    We need to keep going back to the Bible – to a “biblical worldview”. That’s where the truth is. That’s how we build a more effective society and government. The desire for a “Great Reset”, as the WEF has been promoting, goes all the way back to the Serpent in the Garden with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve, believing Satan’s lies, wanted their “eyes to be opened”, “to be as gods knowing (a “perfected” knowing of) good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). They wanted “the creature” co-equal with God, and therefore displacing, “the Creator” (Romans 1:25).

    From the 1970s on, environmentalism has achieved an extraordinarily high level of doctrinal agreement, zeal, and participation from all faiths and educating institutions. “Save the Planet!” has become a unifying cause to promote One World harmony. This is another example of how a partial truth has been made into a grand lie under the devil’s deception. The actual and biblical truth is that we are “stewards”, “trustees”, “managers” and “tenant farmers” to take care of “God’s property” and not abuse it. But there is no perfect solution to environmental decay, and God’s property (the creation) is in decay because of sin (Genesis 3:17-19, Romans 8:21) and awaits His final redemption (2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1).

    Sadly, environmentalism from a pagan perspective supported by evolution has become a religion of its own for many people, replacing the truth of the Bible. And in the last 30 years, it seems that all other types of environmental issues have taken a back seat to the “global threat” of man-made “Climate Change”. Virtually every school kid in the world gets some level of training about this “dire problem”- feeding a narrative about how we need to sacrifice individual and national priorities for a One-World-Great-Reset. No wonder Thomas Jefferson said, “A well-informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny”. Or, in biblical phraseology, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).

    There is true freedom and security in knowing what the Bible says; in having a truly biblical worldview; in knowing the grace and truth of our great Creator and Redeemer! According to George Barna, the veteran researcher and author of The American Worldview Inventory 2020, the younger a person is the less likely they are to possess a truly biblical worldview. The percentages drop from 9% among those 50 or older to 5% among those 30 to 49, and just 2% among people 18 to 29. Here is why we need to continue to proclaim the truth, the whole truth, of the Bible – the Great Commission of  “making disciples of all nations” and of all demographics! Here is why we have launched a Strategic Expansion Campaign to reach a younger demographic as we also grow our international Creation-Evangelism outreach. We are developing strategy and leveraging our videos and other resources accordingly. The time is now. Bible sales in 2024 skyrocketed 22% compared with a 1% increase in overall book sales. And there are Christian “Awakenings” on college campuses.  Deep down, people are becoming aware that their soul longs for truth found only in Christianity – and to be one with Him who created them!

    Most importantly we need your prayers. And it is through your financial support that we can continue in His important work. We encourage you to partner with us by committing to give monthly through our Creation Advocates program – financial consistency helps us expand and plan for the future. Thank you for standing and partnering with us! It is a joy and a blessing to labor with you at this time in history!

    Yours in Christ,

    Mark Cadwallader, Board Chairman

    This month we are excited to offer this timeless classic and highly-rated book What if the Bible Had Never Been Written. Read about the far-reaching effects of the Bible on all aspects of life and history, by the late great Christian statesman, prolific author and creationist, Dr. D. James Kennedy. From the Ten Commandments to the Golden Rule, take a well-documented and in-depth look at the impact the written Word of God has had on all of humanity!

    If you haven’t read Truth is Beauty by Mark Cadwallader yet, we encourage you to do so! This book creates awareness of the many subtle deceits of our spiritual adversary and promotes courage in the face of adversity. If you enjoy Mark’s newsletters, you’ll love these collected essays on “Creation, Christ, and Critical Thinking about the Works of God and Man.” Order yours and develop a deep understanding, love, and commitment to the living Word of God. Both books will greatly help to establish a biblical worldview in those to whom they are given.

    To get both or either of these resources, visit our store or call us toll-free at 1-800-422-4253 during regular office hours (Mon – Th 8:30am-4:30pm CT).

    © 2025 Creation Moments.  All rights reserved.

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