After World War II, shortwave radio broadcast stations were constructed by Christian missionary organizations at strategic locations in the world, the broadcasts of which could be received over almost the entire globe – in the languages of local listeners. Radio carried the sound of God’s Word. Gathered around a shortwave radio, listeners could hear truth from the Bible as transmissions are bounced up and down between the ionosphere and the earth.
Shortwave broadcasts thus provide independent international programming that can travel enormous distances, cannot easily be “jammed”, and are to this day the best means to avoid an information stranglehold in a closed country, and the most accessible form of communication to a rural location. Radios continue to also be cheaper than phones or computers and don’t require reading fluency
Many people predicted a demise in shortwave radio with the advent of the internet, but the reverse has happened – especially in the international setting. Over 3 billion shortwave receivers now exist worldwide. And though they may have local AM and FM radio, millions of people prefer shortwave radio in order to listen to programs that originate on the other side of the world. God’s word “shall not return void” (Isaiah 55:11), and it is the means through which “faith comes” (Romans 10:17), because it is made “quick and powerful (alive and active)” (Hebrews 4:12) by its infusion with the power of the Holy Spirit spoken by those “moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God” (2 Peter 1:21).
Creation Moments broadcasts are heard on over 1,300 radio stations in the United States. Each 2-minute program features scientific evidence in the light of God’s Word that points to proof of a world designed by our Creator, not by evolutionary chance – our Creator who is also our Savior, per the Bible, as many of the programs point out.
Today’s Creation Moments also airs over the radio waves internationally, AM/FM and shortwave, through various partner ministries including TransWorld Radio (TWR) who broadcast our programs not only in English but in seven other languages to the regions concentrated with those dialect groups.
Momentos de la Creacion (Creation Moments in Spanish) premiered in April 2001 and can be heard across South America, Central America, and Mexico via HCJB-AM, FM, translators, and shortwave. Then we expanded further to Cuba, more South American nations, and many Caribbean nations beginning May 1, 2021.
To learn more about our Spanish outreach, CLICK HERE.
To read or listen to Spanish broadcasts, CLICK HERE.
In April 2020 Creation Moments began airing in Korean language, reaching more than 75 million people in North and South Korea.
To learn more about our Korean outreach, CLICK HERE.
To listen to our broadcasts in Korean, CLICK HERE.
The English Creation Moments program started airing to Singapore and the Indonesian Islands on September 1, 2021. Then we translated our programs into Mandarin Chinese and started airing on January 1, 2022, to the 1.4 billion people in China and Taiwan.
To learn more about our Chinese outreach, CLICK HERE.
To listen to our broadcasts in Mandarin Chinese, CLICK HERE.
Our Creation Moments program began shortwave broadcasts in Hindi beginning January 2023 to the 1.4 billion people of India and Nepal. Also, a new A.M. radio transmitter in Sri Lanka began airing our English programs for the 200 million English speakers in India and Sri Lanka in late 2023.
To learn more about our India outreach, CLICK HERE.
To listen to our broadcasts in Hindi, CLICK HERE.
Creation Moments programs also air locally in Eastern Europe and through internet radio in Romanian, Ukrainian, and Russian languages.
To learn more about our Romanian outreach, CLICK HERE.
To learn more about our Ukrainian outreach, CLICK HERE.
To learn more about our Russian outreach, CLICK HERE.
Meet Our Radio Hosts
Ian Taylor – Today’s Creation Moments
Milton De los Santos – Momentos De La Creacion
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