Creation Moments Is Spreading the Love of Our Creator God Throughout Romanian!
More than 600 Creation Moments programs have been translated into Romanian and are broadcast there six days a week via Radio Voice of the Gospel. The translations have been made by Dr. Livius Percy, an ordained Baptist minister in Romania who served as president of the Romanian Missionary Society for 16 years. Audio tracks of the translated scripts have also been posted on YouTube for Romanian speakers to access all over the world!
Our Romanian broadcast has a large listening audience, many of whom are hungry to hear the kind of broadcasts that have benefitted so many in other nations. Its people suffered for many years under a brutal Marxist/Communist dictatorship – which of course included a heavy dose of indoctrination in evolutionism. Our goal in Romania is twofold: (1) Proclaim the gospel to unbelievers and (2) Share solid teachings on biblical creation to bring down the stronghold of evolutionism, the very foundation of secularism, Marxism, and unbelief.
None of this could be accomplished without your generosity! May God bless you for your ongoing donations to the costs of our outreach in Romania!
To make a donation to our continuing radio outreach, CLICK HERE.
To listen to our broadcasts in Romanian, CLICK THE PLAYLIST BELOW (asculta in romana).
Image: Romania Map by Burmesdays – CC SA 3.0