Hosea 6:2 “After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” I have frequently mentioned that the Hebrew word for “day” – yom – can only mean a 24-hour day if it is accompanied by a number...

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Psalm 9:1b “I will praise [thee], O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.” There’s an old saying that people seldom remember how rapidly the job was done, but they do appreciate good workmanship. However,...

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2 Corinthians 9:5 “Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren, that they would go before unto you, and make up beforehand your bounty, whereof ye had notice before, that the same might be ready, as [a matter of] bounty, and not as [of] ...

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Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any vir...

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Psalm 96:12-13a “Let the field be joyful, and all that [is] therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice before the LORD:” Some of the most fascinating discoveries in recent years have to do with our growing knowledge of plant communi...

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Isaiah 40:8 “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” We have looked at many plants and animals that use different forms of camouflage to keep from being noticed. Some don’t wish to be noticed so tha...

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Exodus 20:11 “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” One of the most common arguments against a literal six-day creati...

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Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” Astronomers say that they have found an Earth-like planet 124 light years away. It is 2½ times the radius of Earth, and 8½ times the mass. The planet – cal...

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Psalm 100:3 “Know ye that the LORD he [is] God: [it is] he [that] hath made us, and not we ourselves; [we are] his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” Respect for the name Thomas Jefferson reaches far beyond the United States and far beyond the Eng...

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Exodus 15:11 “Who [is] like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who [is] like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful [in] praises, doing wonders?” One would never expect to find any insect sharing living arrangements with a spider. That’s why sc...

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  • Petrifying Ages
    How long does it take to petrify wood? Scientists who believe in those millions and billions of years that evolutionists are always talking about have never tested the answer to this question. They simply assumed that it must take hundreds or thousands of years to petrify wood. It wasn’t until the 1970s that scientists bothered […]

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