All of us learned in school that the fierce Tyrannosaurus Rex was the largest of the meat eaters. He was large enough to reach into a second story window with his five-foot-long head and grab a person with his six-inch-long teeth. Longer than a railroad b...

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According to evolution, dinosaurs developed tens of millions of years before horses and were extinct long before the first horse galloped across the countryside. According to the Bible, however, horses and the land dinosaurs were made on the same day. Thi...

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When we hear about the “cave man” and the “Stone Age”, most people think of Neandertal man. Popularly called “Neanderthal,” the preferred usage today is Neandertal. When we think of Neandertal, most people think of a la...

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One question we are often asked is why more human fossils are not found in older rocks. In order to become a fossil, a creature must be buried rapidly in sediment so that it does not decay. Aquatic animals would be much more likely to produce fossils in, ...

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One of the most common questions Christians ask is “What about the dinosaurs?” Are dinosaurs proof that the Earth is countless ages old and that life must have evolved? By themselves, dinosaur fossils do not disprove or contradict any history ...

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Many of God’s creatures are beautiful. However, some of them, like the appropriately named hagfish, strike us as ugly. Not only does the hagfish look like something out of a science fiction movie, it has bad habits. The hagfish looks like an eel wit...

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Scientists who believe in creation have always said that evolutionary methods for dating the ages of rocks give ages that are too old. There are many examples of how those who believe in evolutionary long ages exaggerate the abilities of their dating meth...

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  • How to Keep Your Castle Fresh
    If you’ve ever watched movies that take place in the middle ages, you’ve probably witnessed scenes set in a huge castle. Some movie makers have tried to be true to life, showing dogs and sometimes even other animals scampering about inside the castle. Now and again Henry VIII or Richard IV tosses a bone onto […]

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