An adult human liver is about the size of a small football. It weighs about three pounds, making it the body’s largest internal organ. Tucked neatly beneath the ribs, your liver performs more than 500 different tasks. It is a vital link between your...

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Many of us have heard the old legend about why Christopher Columbus was told he could not sail too far west. According to the legend, Columbus was repeatedly told that he could not sail west to India because the Earth was flat. If he sailed too far, he wo...

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Bats are among the most underappreciated creatures in the entire world. Yet, they are most worthy of our appreciation. Nearly all bats eat only insects or fruit. Only one tropical species feeds on blood – usually the blood of cattle. There are thousands...

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Scientists have known for some time that hummingbirds prefer bright-colored flowers. On the other hand, all of us know that white is most easily seen at night. That means that moths that pollinate flowers will more easily find white flowers. The question ...

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The year of 1816 was called the “year without a summer.” Weather records and newspaper clippings offer us a record of the unusual weather that struck all over the Earth in 1816. A Vermont newspaper reported that on June 6 it began to snow and ...

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Evolutionary scientists studying the workings of the human brain are trying to find out what the human “mind” is. The problem is that everyone, including scientists, knows that human beings are conscious people with minds. Yet, strict, materia...

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According to the evolutionary timetable, mankind has been on Earth for about 100,000 years. Archeologists and Paleo-archeologists claim that 100,000 years ago the earliest true men began to bury their dead, often with flowers and other trinkets, suggestin...

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A real monster prowls the ocean floor from the Aleutian Islands to Southern California. It is a terror to even relatively large bottom dwellers. It eats many things, including hermit crabs, clams, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and even abalone. This monster ...

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The long, cold winters of Scandinavia not only freeze the lakes, but pile so much snow on the lake ice that no light can penetrate to the cold, unfrozen water beneath. This means that the creatures below the ice can use up all the oxygen in the lake water...

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The last few years have seen a good deal of excitement among astronomers over the possibility of discovering planets orbiting distant stars. Astronomers are looking at stars that are surrounded by disks of dust and debris. The idea is that planets form ov...

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  • Birds Who Build Pyramids
    Bee-eaters are birds whose way of life and behavior are both intelligent and unusual. There are 24 species of bee-eaters. Bee-eaters make their living catching and eating bees and wasps with stingers. The poison in many of these stinging insects is powerful enough to kill bee-eaters, but the birds are not only skilled at avoiding […]

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