Mateo 6:28-29 “‘Y por el vestido, ¿por qué os angustiáis? Considerad los lirios del campo, cómo crecen: no trabajan ni hilan; pero os digo que ni aun Salomón con toda su gloria se vistió como uno de ellos'”. La flor que parece Bell...

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Romanos 1:20 “Lo invisible de él, su eterno poder y su deidad, se hace claramente visible desde la creación del mundo y se puede discernir por medio de las cosas hechas. Por lo tanto, no tienen excusa…” Tal vez nunca vea una tropa de monos...

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The eye, with its incredibly sensitive color vision, is increasingly being recognized as a marvel as we learn more about how it works. The eye is able to detect the smallest measure of light known to physicists. These units are called photons. The normal ...

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On Creation Moments we regularly look at unusual plants and animals that show the unlimited inventiveness of our Creator. Unusual living things are also fascinating because, since they are clearly unrelated to any other living things, each one is a challe...

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Most of us have heard a few of the theories that are offered to explain how birds are able to migrate for thousands of miles to an exact spot. The arctic tern migrates 22,000 miles a year to winter in the same spot where it wintered the previous year. But...

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If all life evolved from, and is related to, earlier forms of life, then closely related animals should also have similar kinds of chemicals in their bodies. As the science of biochemistry has grown, those who believe in evolution have held high hopes tha...

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Many plants, including the elm or linden trees, grow their leaves, twigs and branches placed exactly half way around the stem from each other. Next in the series are plants, like the beech tree, with leaves placed one-third of a way around the stem from t...

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Each one of us can learn about God’s way of working with us from a fresh water snail that is often preyed upon by crayfish. When life is easy and there are no crayfish around to threaten the snail, it usually lives only three to five months and grow...

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All green plants, some algae, and even some bacteria are able to make food out of nothing more than air, water, light and a few minerals. The process is called photosynthesis, and without it we would run out of food to eat as well as oxygen to breathe. Th...

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Scientists have long known that ants lay down scent trails, using pheromones, to mark the trail to goodies for their nest mates. While this is an efficient method for food gathering, it has been found that when a food source is exhausted, the ants leave a...

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  • Plants Focus Light
    In many ways, a plant is like a machine that changes the energy of sunlight into food energy that is needed by the rest of the living world. The energy which runs the plant is light. Now, if you were going to design a better, more efficient plant, how might you do it? Obviously, one […]

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