Salmos 107:29-30 “Cambia la tempestad en sosiego, Y se apaciguan sus ondas. Luego se alegran, porque se apaciguaron; Y así los guía al puerto que deseaban.” Aquí está el pronóstico del tiempo de hoy para la superficie del planeta Júpiter. Será ...

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When human beings think that they have found mistakes in the Bible, they are eventually judged by their own words. Beneath old Jerusalem lies a complex, ancient water supply system. However, archaeologists have long considered it to be poorly designed. Wo...

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All of us learned in school that the fierce Tyrannosaurus Rex was the largest of the meat eaters. He was large enough to reach into a second story window with his five-foot-long head and grab a person with his six-inch-long teeth. Longer than a railroad b...

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There is a blind spot where the optic nerve enters the retina of your eye. Yet, we don’t see a hole in our field of vision. Scientists always thought that this was because our brain simply ignores the ever-present blind spot. Research has shown that...

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During the mid-1980s, the residents at the north end of San Francisco Bay began complaining about a strange droning noise coming from the Bay. During the months of July and August, the odd noise started after sunset and continued until sunrise. People liv...

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According to evolution, dinosaurs developed tens of millions of years before horses and were extinct long before the first horse galloped across the countryside. According to the Bible, however, horses and the land dinosaurs were made on the same day. Thi...

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Scientists have been studying the different ways in which insects move, hoping to discover a better way to design mobile robots. In doing this they have inadvertently recognized the wisdom and creativity of the Creator, even though they may not care to ad...

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How does the brain remember what it learns? What happens when you think? Is your mind the same as your brain? As modern science learns more about the wonders of the brain, it also learns that it is farther than ever from learning how the brain works. Some...

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A spider’s venom paralyzes its victim, keeping the victim fresh, yet immobile. Spider venom does this by slowing or stopping the work of a chemical called glutamate, which controls muscle movement in insects. Glutamate is also an important messenger...

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Do you think that people are generally out to benefit themselves at your expense? Or are you someone who usually makes sure that you get what you feel is your share, even if it’s at someone else’s expense? Research shows that our mental attitu...

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  • The Miracle of Hearing
    Your high school biology textbook may have given you the idea that modern science understands how hearing works. While science understands the general principles, researchers are still trying to understand the details. Hearing starts with the skin and cartilage on the outside of our heads that we call the ear. This tissue is carefully designed […]

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