Live things in Antarctica’s Victoria Land arctic desert must be very special indeed. The 2,000 square mile arctic desert appears to be home to no living things. There is neither soil nor plants. All that seems to exist there is lifeless, windswept, ...

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It is not unusual to hear humans being referred to as animals. Many people are insulted by that. But few people know what separates humans from animals. At one time people thought humans were separated from the animals by their ability to make and use too...

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In many ways, lobster interaction seems almost human. Lobsters’ mating ritual seems, by human standards, to be especially touching. The ritual sequence begins when a female who is ready to mate lingers near the shelter of a male. The male responds b...

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We have often pointed out that the ability to communicate is not what separates humans from animals. In previous programs we have marveled at the range of animal communication and how it reflects the intelligence and genius of the Creator. Researchers in ...

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Europe was introduced to Australia’s duckbill platypus in 1798. Because of the difficulties of travel in those days, scientists didn’t send a live platypus from Australia to the British Museum in London. They sent only a platypus skin. Scienti...

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Because the vast open seas were largely unknown to so many in the ancient world, early explorers were filled with great fear about monsters that might live in unknown regions. After centuries of exploration on and under the sea, we have learned that the s...

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Have you ever wondered how you could get cut by a blade of grass or the edge of a palm leaf? Plants have a nasty secret. They absorb silica, the same stuff of which glass is made, and store it in their cells. Some plants, like corn, store large mounts of ...

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More than a quarter of our drugs come from wild plants. Traditionally, researchers in search of new drugs would ask local folk healers about plants that might be helpful. However, that isn’t always the best approach. In some societies, plants are though...

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We usually identify plants by their appearance. Palm trees can be identified because the many different kinds of palms have some common identifying characteristics. Pine trees, likewise, have common features that help us identify them. However, one plant ...

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The parting of the Red Sea as the Israelites escaped Egypt is one of the most attacked miracles in the Bible. Much of scholarly opinion says that the Israelites didn’t really escape through the sea. They simply went through a nearby marsh, called the Re...

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  • The Miracle of Hearing
    Your high school biology textbook may have given you the idea that modern science understands how hearing works. While science understands the general principles, researchers are still trying to understand the details. Hearing starts with the skin and cartilage on the outside of our heads that we call the ear. This tissue is carefully designed […]

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