Genesis 6:17
“And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.”

Evolutionists hate the very idea of the worldwide flood because they know that such a catastrophe would cause the Earth to appear to be much older than it truly is. And without those long ages of time, evolution becomes an impossibility.

Surprisingly, dead clams – like many other sea creatures – have much to tell us about the flood of Noah’s time. Clams are known as bivalve mollusks. They have two valves that are hinged together, and they can close their shells very quickly to protect themselves from predators. When a clam dies of natural causes, the clam releases its grip on its shell, and it opens within a matter of hours. But if a buried clam shell is found shut tight, it shows that the clam was buried suddenly.

We mention this because fossil clam graveyards are found all over the world containing millions of clams with their shells shut tight. This speaks to us of a catastrophe that buried billions of clams very quickly. In other words, the worldwide flood of Noah’s time. Since these fossil clam beds are found all over the world – and are often high above their natural habitat – it can only mean that the biblical worldwide flood is a fact of history.

Now, if the Bible is right about the worldwide flood, the Earth is much younger than it appears to be, so there simply isn’t enough time for evolution to take place. Graveyards of closed clams have given us an open-and-shut case for biblical creation!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for providing abundant evidence that the Bible is true. I pray that You will remind me of these things when I am talking to Bible skeptics. Amen.


Author: Steven J. Schwartz
Ref: Photo: Empty shell of Tridacna gigas (Giant clam) at the Aquarium Finisterrae in Spain. Courtesy of Drowmale. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

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