Psalm 136:4-5
“To him who alone doeth great wonders: for His mercy endureth forever. To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth forever.”

Most of us are familiar with the Big Bang theory. It says the entire universe is the result of a gigantic explosion that took place about 16 billion years ago. This explosion eventually resulted in stars, galaxies, our Earth and even our genetic codes. The problem is, we are all familiar with explosions, and no one has Chaos, not order, is shown in the explosion of the USS Mount Hood on November 10, 1944ever known an explosion to create anything more than chaos. Creation-scientists have been saying for years that an explosion could not have created the universe we see today.

The news is that evolution-scientists are beginning to agree. Most of them still think that an explosion could create the Earth we know today, but they are finding that the organized way in which stars and galaxies are scattered throughout space is exactly opposite of what their theory leads them to expect. One scientist has suggested that maybe they are not taking everything into account. He added that they are looking for ideas – to use his words – even “crazy” ideas “because we’re getting a little desperate.”

Of course, there is a solution to their problem. And the solution isn’t so “crazy” either. You don’t get words in a book without an author. You don’t build a house without a plan. And you cannot get a universe like ours that is literally crammed with information and information storage systems without a Creator.

Heavenly Father, as I gaze into the star-filled sky, or at a beautiful flower, or ponder the wonder of my own body, I cannot help but see that You, and not an explosion, created me and all things. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

“From Fireball to Galaxies: Making Late Waves.” Science News, vol. 135, #17, p. 262. Photo: Chaos, not order, is shown in the explosion of the USS Mount Hood on November 10, 1944.

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