Exodus 17:14a
“And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this [for] a memorial in a book, and rehearse [it] in the ears of Joshua…”

One of the mysteries of ancient Egypt is that it appears to have begun as a high civilization. The very first pharaoh of Egypt is known as Narmer, and his name simply means “Catfish.” From what we can tell, King Catfish, who lived around five hundred years after the Great Flood, is helping to prove the truth of the Bible’s history.

Narmer on the Narmer PaletteIt was long thought that writing had not yet been invented at the time of King Catfish, or even at the time of Moses, 400 years later. But recent discoveries of writing on both carved stone slabs and papyrus-like paper from the time of King Catfish have shown that even at this early date, writing had been around for a long time. Even more amazing has been the discovery, from Catfish’s time, of a well-organized industrial complex that had many production facilities, each specializing in the production of certain types of fired clay pots. The ruins clearly show that this industrial complex shipped its product all over the ancient Egyptian empire.

One thing is clear. Those who argue that Moses could not have written the early books of the Bible because they believe that writing had not at that time been invented have been clearly proven wrong by old King Catfish!

Heavenly Father, in this ever-changing world, where so many think that truth changes, I thank You that You have given me Your sure and true Word in Holy Scripture. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Michael Allan Hoffman, “Where Nat,” October, Science 82, pp.42-51.    Photo: Close-up view of Narmer on the Narmer Palette. Courtesy of Keith Schengili-Roberts. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

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