1 Corinthians 8:2
“And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.”

Ever since Charles Darwin first visited the Galapagos Islands, the creatures of these islands have been presented to the public as classic examples of evolution. Yet, evolutionists have long known that their claims could not possibly be true.

Galapagos IslandsThe little secret not included in the textbooks is that the Galapagos Islands are far too young for evolution to have produced the variety of life found there. They date the islands at only a couple of million inflated evolutionary years. They agree that this is far too short a time for evolution to have taken place.

For the last twenty years, evolutionists have been quietly looking for an older chain of islands where the Galapagos creatures might have evolved. Their theory is that the older chain sank beneath the sea, forcing the animals to move to the Galapagos. Evolutionists have announced that they have discovered the lost islands. They are east of the Galapagos Islands. These “islands” are today 6,500 feet beneath the waves. Samples dredged from them reveal what researchers called evidence of beach erosion. This shows, they say, that the older islands once extended above the waves. In truth, the dating of these islands, and the claim that the so-called “older” islands once stood above the waves may easily be questioned. Nor can it be proven that the ancestors of the animals on today’s Galapagos Islands once called these older islands home.

As Christians, we need to evaluate all of these guesses about the past in light of the established truth presented in the Bible.

Father, I thank You that Your Word is trustworthy and that You have not left us to the shifting and uncertain wisdom of man. Help me to live my life in a way that shows everyone around me that Your Word is powerful and true. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Malcolm W. Browne. 1992. “Galapagos’ Diversity Came From Sunken Islands.” Stevens Point (Wis.) Journal, Jan. 22. Photo: Satellite photo of the Galapagos Islands overlaid with the Spanish names of the visible main islands.

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