Proverbs 20:17
“Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.”

Evolutionists never tire of taunting creationists with the statement, “If creationism is scientific, why are there no papers from creationists published in peer-review publications?”

Peer-Review Fraud Strikes AgainThe standard creationist response is that since these peer-review publications are run by evolutionists, it is obvious why they refuse to publish articles by creationists. But perhaps we should also mention that when an article appears in a peer-review publication, this is no guarantee that the articles are accurate or even true.

While the peer-review process makes sense in theory, in actual practice, it has been found to fail miserably in this fallen world of ours. Not long ago, we told you about two of the most prestigious medical publications admitting that the peer-review process is deeply flawed. One editor wrote: “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published.” The editor of the other publication added: “Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.”

Now, several new cases of peer-review fraud have come to light. One of the biggest research publishers in the world recently announced that 64 articles published in 10 of its scientific journals are being retracted because the scientists had come up with a scheme to peer review their own papers! To make matters worse, the publisher retracted 43 other papers five months earlier for the same reason.

We know that the only writings that can be fully trusted were authored by the ultimate truth-teller – God Himself.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know that it is impossible for You to lie. How blessed are all those who put their trust in You and Your holy Scriptures! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Author: Steven J. Schwartz
Ref: B. Yirka, “Publisher retracts 64 articles for fake peer reviews,” PhyOrg, 8/19/15. “Half of Scientific Literature May Be Untrue,” Creation Moments,

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