Genesis 1:24

“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.”

In a previous Creation Moment, we discussed how a discovery of some teeth and some ankle bones, or tarsals, at Dormaal in Belgium, has led to evolutionary scientists believing they have found a missing link between dogs, cats and bears. They picture a little two-pound creature, scurrying through the branches of trees; yet, not a single complete or even nearly complete skeleton has been found.

Creationist researcher Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell has explained the evolutionary thinking process involved. Evolutionary researchers made a number of assumptions which simply do not add up.

First, evolutionists assume that the fact that there is a wide variety of animal species on the planet, that this is actually proof that they have a common ancestor. Common ancestry is, therefore, assumed and is a basic, unshakeable belief without any real proof whatsoever.

Second, they assume that comparing the features of various fossils can enable them to line them up in an evolutionary history. This is despite the fact that there has never been an observation of one kind of animal evolving into another.

Third, millions of years have to be assumed in order to give time for the alleged evolution, which has never been actually observed to take place.

Dr. Mitchell says, “There is no biological evidence for the divergence of canines, cats, and bears from a common carnivorous ancestor… There is no scientific justification for insisting that in the unobservable past they evolved into more complex and divergent kinds of animals from a common ancestor.”    Author: Paul F. Taylor

 Prayer: Remind us, Lord, to start all our research from Your word in the sure knowledge that Your word is always true. Amen.

Ref: Mitchell, E. (2014), Extinct Carnivore Ancestor of Lions and Tigers and Bears? (Oh My!), < >, accessed 10/31/2018. Image: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, academic “fair use”, < >, accessed 10/31/2018.

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