Exodus 15:11
“Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?”

The cells of all living things are filled with highly detailed information. The incredible system that is used for storing this information makes our best computer information systems look like a child’s simple slate board!

Co-discoverers of the double-helix DNA molecule, Francis Crick (left) and James Watson, shake handsBelieve it or not, it takes more information to make a complete human being than can be stored in the average city library. And all of this information is stored in less than a few thousand millionths of a gram of material within each of our cells. You have literally billions of copies of it! Our most sophisticated computer system cannot even come close to being able to store information like that.

It is estimated that one billion species of plants and animals have existed since creation. The information storage system within the cell is so compact that all of the information to make every one of those one billion species could be held in a teaspoon – with room left over to hold all the books ever written if they, too, were stored with the same efficient system. Even more amazing is that this information storage system is not only able to store information like a computer but, unlike a computer, it can also copy itself and correct errors if any creep into the information!

How could anyone believe that this brilliant information storage, copying and correction system could have come about by chance? To believe that this could be created by no one is certainly an act of faith. But it is clearly the wrong faith! And that highlights what the origins debate is really all about.

Father, I believe in Your forgiving grace to me in Jesus Christ. For this reason, help me to abandon all trust in myself. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Photo: Co-discoverers of the double-helix DNA molecule, Francis Crick (left) and James Watson, shake hands. Photo published in a Public Library of Science (PLOS) journal. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

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