Christians are up against a different type of enemy than those that ancient Israel faced, but the dynamic is the same. Media and worldly institutions are in control and seemingly fully equipped with lots of power, lots of money, the latest technology, and the support of “science”. Christians tend to hunker down, intimidated and feeling overwhelmed. But the principle remains the same. The most vital criterion is not human strength and human wisdom – but God! With God, nothing is impossible, and He is able, as Jonathan declared, “to save by many or by few” (1 Samuel 14:6-7)!

God’s truth cannot be suppressed no matter how craftily and hatefully the great deceiver, Satan, leads human minds in campaigns against God. It is up to us to take the initiative, like Jonathan, to trust in the Lord and to act upon His confirmation of a plan. This is not only how it worked for Jonathan and his armor bearer, but for David against Goliath, for Joshua in the Battle of Jericho, for Gideon against the Midianites, and for the apostles as they proclaimed Christ under the persecution of Roman and Jewish authorities.

The truth of God prevails, but He wants to see us take the initiative in faith! He will help us by giving us strength and providing timely “earthquakes” and other miracles of deliverance along the way.

Over 60 years ago, Creation Moments’ founder, Walter Lang – as well as Henry Morris, John Whitcomb and a number of others – took the initiative against a scientific juggernaut to tackle the lies of evolution. And today we have a wealth of scientific argument refuting those fallacies. God has also blessed biblical creation ministries with numerous victories in exposing many of the lies while strengthening the hearts of millions of God’s people and in winning many others to Him.

So when the situation confronting you looks utterly hopeless, pray for God’s guidance, step out in faith and take the initiative!

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Unsplash 518

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