In the early 1970s, English scientist James Lovelock went public with his “Gaia Hypothesis” – conjuring up Gaia, the ancient Greek Mother Earth goddess, to a largely post-Christian, paganized Western Civilization. According to this hypothesis – which is still popular 50 years later – all the interconnected ecosystems of Planet Earth are supposedly part of a living, breathing, life-giving Mother.

    Here was a throw-back to ancient pagan pantheistic religions – supported, of course, by the “science” of evolution. All the different ecosystems and re-circulations of water, carbon and nitrogen somehow evolved in a grand DANCE with the Planet as if part of a living body. And it gave birth to the myriad life-forms, including mankind. Who really needs God?! And, thus, in many ways, Western Civilization – though benefiting from Biblical Christianity – has slid into a Romans 1 post-Christian culture where the creature (creation) has replaced the Creator. As the Bible says in Romans 1, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.

    – Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

    Photo: James Lovelock in 2005. (CC BY-SA 1.0) 922

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