Evolution’s Influence January 28, 2013 Series: History, Humans, Philosophy, Transcript English Play NowShare Now
The Oldest Dinosaur December 3, 2012 Series: Animals, Creation, Evolution’s Mistakes, Fossils, History, Transcript English Play NowShare Now
The Creating Word Made Flesh November 23, 2012 Series: Creation, History, Transcript English Play NowShare Now
The World’s Oldest City October 24, 2012 Series: Archaeology, History, Transcript English Play NowShare Now
"Prehistoric Man" and the Space Shuttle August 30, 2012 Series: Fossils, History, Humans, Transcript English Play NowShare Now
Does the Dinosaurs’ Size Prove Evolution? April 23, 2012 Series: Animals, Evolution’s Mistakes, Fossils, History, Transcript English Play NowShare Now
A 2,000 Year Old Computer April 2, 2012 Series: Archaeology, Astronomy, History, Transcript English Play NowShare Now