Creation is the foundation of true and effective evangelism. The Bible presents Jesus Christ as Creator, the eternal Son of God, and this very fact has made it possible for Jesus also to become our Redeemer and Savior – as the unblemished lamb of God who overcame sin and death on our behalf.

Indeed the Bible says that … “by Him (Christ) all things consist (hold together),” (Colossians 1:17). The reason why atoms do not blow themselves apart in atomic fission is because something holds them together – a force within the nucleus which is so strong that it overcomes the tremendous repulsive force between electric charges of the same polarity, the positive charges of protons. Physicists are reduced to simply naming this fundamental force of nature the “strong force” because it is so powerful. But Christians have the answer to the scientific mystery of the “strong force”, for our great Creator is also the great Sustainer!

The Bible says that “God is a spirit” (John 4:24). He is immaterial power and personality. Yet, that immaterial presence is behind all of the material in the creation. An amazing finding of nuclear physics is that material is essentially immaterial. Consider an atom making up, along with other atoms, a molecule within, say, the human body. If that atom were the size of an average room in a house, the nucleus of the atom – with its protons and neutrons – would be the size of a grain of sand at the center of that space. In other words, the many trillions of atoms within the many trillions of molecules of our bodies are essentially space! Even the protons and neutrons themselves are formed of subatomic particles which are simply bundles of energy. So our bodies are essentially space and energy. No wonder that Paul, in his Mars Hill sermon, said that the invisible, omnipresent God unknown to the Stoic and Epicurean philosophers was the one “in whom we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28).  

Creation evangelism is the biblical model. And it is very important in a day like ours, where evolution owns the intellectual turf, and pantheistic paganism and rationalistic atheism are on the rise. Fewer people in many places begin with much knowledge of God and of biblical Scripture. We have to help people understand that evolution is a false philosophy, and we need to point them to the wonders and majesty of creation since it speaks of our wondrous Creator.

When people’s eyes are opened to see through the deception of evolution and to behold the awesome wonder and beauty of creation, they awake to the reality of the living God. And they can come to grips with their need to repent and believe in Jesus Christ for salvation. Acts 17, for example, records that when Paul finished speaking to the philosophers on Mars Hill about the God of creation and about Jesus, Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris, among others, “believed” and became Christians.

Creation Moments seeks to fully embrace the heritage of Christian witness and creation evangelism set forth at our founding through the Rev. Walter Lang. To that end we are adding renewed emphasis on helping Christians understand the fact that evolution is a false philosophy. We are also expanding our resources and efforts in creation evangelism, building on the work already begun.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman


Image: Pixabay 316

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