I remember driving along the magnificent Columbia River Gorge in the early morning hours. The light was breaking gloriously through the clouds, with rays from the sun in a brilliance of color and formation all over the vast horizon. And I was just wonderfully impressed as I viewed this new “painting” from the Lord! What a blessing!

The Bible says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). It says that the invisible attributes of God can be understood from the creation (Romans 1:20). The evidence is all around us. We just need to look and listen.

And when we do that, we receive revelation and illumination. When we quiet our souls and let faith be kindled in hearing Him speak through what has been made, spiritual light -bulbs come on inside us. This is God’s provision to mankind, His special creation. We can share in His glory, His radiance and His beauty in relationship with Him.

But evolution is a stumbling block to many, interfering with God’s messaging through the creation to grab hold of them. Evolution helps tear down faith. The devil uses evolution to keep people from coming to the Lord, and/or to keep Christians mired in doubts and fear.

This is why we must all labor in prayer and action to stand for and proclaim the truth of biblical creation! This is also why we thank God for tearing down strongholds of evolution and for giving us the privilege of leading people to Him for salvation.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Columbia River Gorge. (Unsplash) 819

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