If we stray from what the Bible teaches, we will find ourselves believing lies, and we will lose freedoms. We will be bound by chains of darkness and ...
Continue ReadingChristians understand that the kinds of mysteries touched on by modern physics point to a spiritual reality consistent with biblical truth. For exampl...
Continue ReadingYou remember the story – two women stood before the king. They lived together in one house and had each given birth a few days apart. They had with ...
Continue ReadingMany Christian parents don’t give much thought to the idea of homeschooling their children. I know that homeschooling is difficult or next to imposs...
Continue ReadingThe truth of God and His Word is obscured by many things and ultimately by the lies of Satan. Here at Creation Moments we focus on the lie of evolutio...
Continue ReadingThe science of man-made global warming is completely unproven, and very little can be done about it anyway if it were even true. Unfortunately, critic...
Continue ReadingIn modern culture we are trained to base our understanding on evidence and data. We must see it – prove it, to then believe it. And there is certain...
Continue ReadingOne of the big problems in a secular humanistic culture dominated by materialism and evolutionism is that not only does it seek to lie about biblical ...
Continue ReadingEvolution as intellectual justification for godlessness and for disbelief in the Bible – indeed, for all kinds of foolishness – is at the heart of...
Continue ReadingAs the world anxiously kept its eye on current events, the American President gave a State of the Union speech about freedom. He enumerated four of wh...
Continue ReadingCreation is the foundation of true and effective evangelism. The Bible presents Jesus Christ as Creator, the eternal Son of God, and this very fact ha...
Continue ReadingAtheist and pantheist philosophers called upon the preacher to present his “strange” positions. And they brought him before their symposium of lik...
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