
  The young lady was confused and overwhelmed. How could she be pregnant when she had never had sexual relations? But she was reassured that this was God at work and that her baby would be very special! Mary went to see her older cousin – whom she ...

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  History shows how frequently commitment to an ideology overcomes the truth within the Scientific Method. For example, the “science” of eugenics was in vogue from the late 1800’s through the first half of the 20th century. Based on evolutionar...

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  • Deception of the Bola
    The bola spider is said to have evolved its amazing abilities all by itself. Why, then, is it smarter and why does it have more abilities than mankind? The bola spider’s favorite food is moths, but it doesn’t weave a web. The bola spider produces the same scent produced by a female moth. Male moths […]

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