
  The young lady was confused and overwhelmed. How could she be pregnant when she had never had sexual relations? But she was reassured that this was God at work and that her baby would be very special! Mary went to see her older cousin – whom she ...

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  History shows how frequently commitment to an ideology overcomes the truth within the Scientific Method. For example, the “science” of eugenics was in vogue from the late 1800’s through the first half of the 20th century. Based on evolutionar...

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  “In India we didn’t study evolution, we studied science”, said the young engineer working in the United States. A similar sentiment was voiced to me by a young medical intern whom I sat next to on a plane. Though trained in Jordan he was goin...

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  C.S. Lewis writes about how our experience with the creation awakens within us a sense that there is more  –  something other, something beyond the natural world. He says in Mere Christianity, “If I find in myself a desire which no experience...

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  The Nazis came to power in a Germany which had been prepared by the theory of evolution and the “superman” philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche to accept the Nazi idea of German racial superiority. And the so-called “higher criticism” of Germa...

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  A tale of irreversible environmental decay is told by the remains of pack rat nests in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Chaco Canyon was populated by the Anasazi Indians, builders of the famous cliff dwellings of the southwest. The numerous cliff dwelling...

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  • Genetic Music
    The entire creation is woven together on an invisible cloth of mathematics. Since mathematics is also the basis of music, the creation is often more filled with music than we think. In fact, Christians ought to think twice before dismissing as figurative those Bible passages about the whole creation praising its Creator. Sometimes the music […]

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