Genesis 5:5 “And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.” In Genesis chapter 5 we read that Adam lived to be 930 years old. One question often asked is, “Could Adam really have lived that long?”...

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Even though it’s a mammal and not a fish, the Weddell seal of the Antarctic is one of the greatest deep-sea divers in the world. Weighing up to 1,200 pounds, the Weddell seal can cruise under water for up to 70 minutes. It is able to reach depths as...

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How old did the Earth look five years after the creation? Geologists tell us that it takes hundreds of thousands of years to wear down new rock into sand and soil and for the sea to cut a beach. If this was true, one would not expect to see beaches or soi...

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The amazing structure of the honeycomb has fascinated scientists for thousands of years. In the third century, the astronomer and geometer Pappus of Alexandria became the first to offer an explanation for why the honeycomb has a hexagonal shape. Pappus ex...

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An adult human liver is about the size of a small football. It weighs about three pounds, making it the body’s largest internal organ. Tucked neatly beneath the ribs, your liver performs more than 500 different tasks. It is a vital link between your...

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Many of us have heard the old legend about why Christopher Columbus was told he could not sail too far west. According to the legend, Columbus was repeatedly told that he could not sail west to India because the Earth was flat. If he sailed too far, he wo...

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Bats are among the most underappreciated creatures in the entire world. Yet, they are most worthy of our appreciation. Nearly all bats eat only insects or fruit. Only one tropical species feeds on blood – usually the blood of cattle. There are thousands...

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Scientists have known for some time that hummingbirds prefer bright-colored flowers. On the other hand, all of us know that white is most easily seen at night. That means that moths that pollinate flowers will more easily find white flowers. The question ...

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The year of 1816 was called the “year without a summer.” Weather records and newspaper clippings offer us a record of the unusual weather that struck all over the Earth in 1816. A Vermont newspaper reported that on June 6 it began to snow and ...

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Evolutionary scientists studying the workings of the human brain are trying to find out what the human “mind” is. The problem is that everyone, including scientists, knows that human beings are conscious people with minds. Yet, strict, materia...

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  • Petrifying Ages
    How long does it take to petrify wood? Scientists who believe in those millions and billions of years that evolutionists are always talking about have never tested the answer to this question. They simply assumed that it must take hundreds or thousands of years to petrify wood. It wasn’t until the 1970s that scientists bothered […]

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