Tropical beauty has inspired many Hawaiian love songs. However, none is more unusual than the love song of Hawaiian fruit flies. There are more than 100 species of Hawaiian Drosophila, or fruit fly. Just like everything else in that tropical paradise, the...

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The unusual discovery of the most ancient termite nest ever found sheds light not only on termites but also on their social behavior. The nest dates back to the time of the dinosaurs. The nest was discovered in fossilized wood from the Big Bend National P...

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It’s commonly known that many animals are able to detect extraordinarily weak odors. The real mystery is how they can smell scents that are 1,000 times too weak to produce the chemical reactions necessary to make a scent signal. From the chemistR...

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Parasites, especially fungi, are usually written off by evolutionary biologists as simple, primitive organisms. However, whether they choose to recognize the Creator or not, biologists are learning that nothing in God’s creation is simple or primiti...

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The silk produced by spiders is very different from the silk produced by silkworms in some very important ways. While silkworm silk is strong yet not prone to stretching, spiders make silk that is both strong and stretchy. They also make several different...

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  • Bullet-Proof Spiders
    The silk produced by spiders is very different from the silk produced by silkworms in some very important ways. While silkworm silk is strong yet not prone to stretching, spiders make silk that is both strong and stretchy. They also make several different kinds of silk, each with its own purpose. In fact, spider silk […]

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