Many who reject the Creator work hard to try to prove that He doesn’t exist. Creationists argue that the creation is so well designed that it must have a Designer. After all, a watch is much simpler than a bumblebee. If a watch needs a Designer and ...

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We are all familiar with evolution’s battle cry of survival of the fittest. Another way of putting it is that evolution favors the selfish.     Nature is full of surprises. For generations, evolutionists have explained why most animals bre...

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Because it is sometimes connected to New Age religion, acupuncture is often seen as something negative. However, stripped of its pagan mumbo-jumbo, acupuncture has a sound medical basis. Medical researchers have shown that acupuncture stimulates certain n...

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When little or no oxygen is dissolved in the blood of most animals or humans, death quickly follows. The chemistry by which our cells generate energy to stay alive needs oxygen. When oxygen runs short, a second, temporary, energy-producing system kicks in...

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The modern, educated person often tends to look down on previous generations. Many people seem convinced that if we look back 1,000 or 2,000 years, some measurable evolutionary improvement in man must have taken place over so much time. It is this spirit ...

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When we hear about the “cave man” and the “Stone Age”, most people think of Neandertal man. Popularly called “Neanderthal,” the preferred usage today is Neandertal. When we think of Neandertal, most people think of a la...

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We don’t often associate aggressive behavior and the need to fight with butterflies. Rather we think of bright, beautiful creatures that decorate nature and always seem to cheer people up. Scientists have always assumed that the bright-colored wings...

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The fact that man is by nature a religious creature was underscored with the discovery of the oldest known religious sanctuary in the world. The shrine was discovered in northern Spain. Evolutionists say that the shrine was built by early Stone Age man. I...

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One question we are often asked is why more human fossils are not found in older rocks. In order to become a fossil, a creature must be buried rapidly in sediment so that it does not decay. Aquatic animals would be much more likely to produce fossils in, ...

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How did we get all of the different races on earth if we are all descended from Adam and Noah and his family? Today’s differing racial and cultural characteristics began at the separation of the world’s population into different groups based u...

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  • Magic Mirror
    It’s a widely accepted modern myth in our computer-driven, technological age that people today are in some way more advanced than people of thousands of years ago. The biblical picture is that man has always been man. He has the same emotions, cares and needs today that he has always had. He has always been […]

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