Salmos 100:3 “Reconoced que Jehová es Dios; él nos hizo y no nosotros a nosotros mismos; pueblo suyo somos y ovejas de su prado”. El respeto por el nombre Thomas Jefferson va mucho más allá de los Estados Unidos, y mucho más allá del idioma ingl...

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Have you ever wondered how you could get cut by a blade of grass or the edge of a palm leaf? Plants have a nasty secret. They absorb silica, the same stuff of which glass is made, and store it in their cells. Some plants, like corn, store large mounts of ...

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Éxodo 15:11 “¿Quién como tú, Jehová, entre los dioses? ¿Quién como tú, magnífico en santidad, terrible en maravillosas hazañas, hacedor de prodigios?” Uno nunca podría esperar encontrar ningún insecto compartiendo arreglos de vivienda con ...

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More than a quarter of our drugs come from wild plants. Traditionally, researchers in search of new drugs would ask local folk healers about plants that might be helpful. However, that isn’t always the best approach. In some societies, plants are though...

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Génesis 1:21 “Y creó Dios los grandes monstruos marinos y todo ser viviente que se mueve, que las aguas produjeron según su especie, y toda ave alada según su especie. Y vio Dios que era bueno”. ¿Sabe usted cómo manejar un velero?  Si usted tuv...

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We usually identify plants by their appearance. Palm trees can be identified because the many different kinds of palms have some common identifying characteristics. Pine trees, likewise, have common features that help us identify them. However, one plant ...

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Hechos 20:32 “Y ahora, hermanos, os encomiendo a Dios y a la palabra de su gracia, que tiene poder para sobreedificaros y daros herencia con todos los santificados”. Los biólogos recientemente han descubierto un gen que insinúa que talvez Dios no es...

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The parting of the Red Sea as the Israelites escaped Egypt is one of the most attacked miracles in the Bible. Much of scholarly opinion says that the Israelites didn’t really escape through the sea. They simply went through a nearby marsh, called the Re...

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Salmos 111:10 “El principio de la sabiduría es el temor de Jehová; buen entendimiento tienen todos los que practican sus mandamientos; ¡su loor permanece para siempre!” A muchas personas se les ha enseñado que la evolución es una ciencia y que la...

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Most Christians have been told, “Creation isn’t scientific because it comes from the Bible!” Does the source of an idea make the idea unworthy of science? Many believe that the only truly scientific ideas come to people dressed in white smocks worki...

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  • The Unique Bdellas
    Scientists describe the creatures as mean, greedy and anti-social. They are also impressive chemists. That’s some reputation for a creature whose lifespan is only four hours. The short form of this microscopic creature’s name is simply bdella. Bdellas are predatory bacteria that live in fresh and salt water as well as in sewage. In the […]

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