One could say that the South American Hoatzin is truly a strange bird. It makes a striking sight with its blue skin and red eyes, sporting a four inch crest of spiky feathers on its head. Young Hoatzin have claws on their wings, allowing them to climb tre...

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Salmos 25:4 “Muéstrame, Jehová, tus caminos; enséñame tus sendas”. No sólo es el cerebro humano la estructura más compleja en el universo, también es una de las más ocupadas.  ¡De hecho durante una concentración intensa, su cerebro puede qu...

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Wells are usually dug by people in order to get water. Why, then, would a fish dig a well? The well digger fish is a member of the Jawfish family and lives in the warm coastal waters of southern and southeastern Asia. With its large mouth and extra long j...

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Mateo 11:28 “Venid a mí todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y yo os haré descansar”. La extraña y desagradable planta llamada mala hierba bruja se encuentra principalmente en el África y el Asia, pero se ha reportado en Norte América tam...

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The lobster, with its external shell, is classified as a crustacean and is considered by evolutionists to be among the earlier evolved creatures. But recent study of the habits and abilities of lobsters are showing that these creatures are unexpectedly co...

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Romanos 1:18-19 “La ira de Dios se revela desde el cielo contra toda impiedad e injusticia de los hombres que detienen con injusticia la verdad, porque lo que de Dios se conoce les es manifiesto, pues Dios se lo manifesto…” Muchas plantas y anim...

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There is a huge difference between computers and the human brain. While the computer transmits information using electricity, the brain communicates its information using powerful chemicals. Let’s say that you accidentally touch a hot pan on the sto...

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Lucas 11:28 “Pero él dijo: —¡Antes bien, bienaventurados los que oyen la palabra de Dios y la obedecen!” Nuestros sentidos nos ligan al mundo a nuestro alrededor y nos permiten interactuar con el mundo.  Mientras que mucha gente cree que nuestro ...

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Live things in Antarctica’s Victoria Land arctic desert must be very special indeed. The 2,000 square mile arctic desert appears to be home to no living things. There is neither soil nor plants. All that seems to exist there is lifeless, windswept, ...

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Mateo 6:30 “Y si a la hierba del campo, que hoy es y mañana se quema en el horno, Dios la viste así, ¿no hará mucho más por vosotros, hombres de poca fe?” Tenemos la tendencia de asociar la sangre caliente con mamíferos y seres humanos.  Sin em...

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  • The Unique Bdellas
    Scientists describe the creatures as mean, greedy and anti-social. They are also impressive chemists. That’s some reputation for a creature whose lifespan is only four hours. The short form of this microscopic creature’s name is simply bdella. Bdellas are predatory bacteria that live in fresh and salt water as well as in sewage. In the […]

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