Romans 13:2
“Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”

Why can’t Johnny read? Why can’t he do simple math or find North America on a globe? In fact, why do Johnny and Jane reject education today? While parents and education officials in Washington are asking these questions, one of the authors of the current mess is taking responsibility for his mistake. He is also offering solutions.

creatorless educationDr. William Coulson, working with Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, developed the basis of modern education, grounding it in the humanistic principles of John Dewey. Even if you don’t recognize these names, you will recognize their ideas. For example, we have all heard the claim that the nondirective sex education courses in today’s public schools can solve the teen-pregnancy problem. Yet, every study shows that these classes increase teen pregnancy. And we have all heard of values clarification.

Dr. Coulson has been spending the last three years telling all who will listen that the fundamental problem with today’s educational philosophy is that it rejects authority. Once students are taught to reject the Creator’s authority, they quickly reject all other authority, including their teachers. Dr. Coulson says that, as a result, students are not only unteachable, but they lose the ability to make moral choices.

Christian parents as well as educators desperately need to hear Dr. Coulson’s message. If you would like to know more about this vital subject, download a free copy of The Evolving Child: John Dewey’s Impact on Modern Education by Nancy Pearcey.

Father, we only destroy ourselves when we reject You. Yet, that is the nature of all sin. Create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Pearcey, Nancy. 1991. “The evolving child: John Dewey’s impact on modern education.” Bible-Science Newsletter, Jan. p. 6, Feb., p. 5.

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