Homing pigeons are valued because of their highly developed sense of direction, and this includes the ability to read the Earth’s magnetic field. Some other birds, turtles and even a few salamanders have also shown this same ability. However, bees, ...

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Most listeners have heard of the little “cleaner fish” or wrasse that clean the teeth of larger fishes. New research on the behavior of these fishes shows that they are not always honest-business fish. Other fish, including those who might ord...

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Could a plant devise a special growth for itself so that it becomes inviting to its only pollinator? If evolution were true, how could such a plant survive until it could learn enough about its pollinator, and about genetics, to evolve a special growth ju...

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If you enjoy keeping tropical fish, the Mantis shrimp is one creature you may not want to keep in your aquarium. While this creature is related to common shrimp, it has a very unusual and specialized feature. In the wild, if the Mantis shrimp finds a tast...

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Australia has many animals that are not found anywhere else in the world today. One of the most unique is the wombat, which looks like a small bear with brown fur. The wombat is a burrowing animal.   Like many of Australia’s animals, the wombat...

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The number of different kinds of insects in the world seems almost endless. There are millions. The larva of many of these insects feed on trees and bushes at least until they develop into adults. One would think, then, that we wouldn’t have any tre...

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Nearly everyone is familiar with the way in which the whistle of a train moving toward them lowers in pitch as the train passes. The change in pitch is caused by the change in the movement of the train relative to the listener. First it is moving toward t...

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The frogfish is yet another strange creature for which those who believe in evolution can find no history. Not only do evolutionists admit that frogfish are not related by evolution to any other creature, but also they can find no relationship among 35 of...

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Relationships among creatures who are often very different from one another are so numerous – and so intelligent – that they witness to an overall design for living things. Even evolutionists recognize this when they talk about the “grand design...

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  • The Oracle of Delphi Was More than a Legend
    New archaeological evidence supports the factuality of the Greek legend about the prophet, or oracle, of Delphi. According to legend, the site where the oracle would prophesy was discovered thousands of years ago by a goat herder. He found that his goats acted strangely at a crack or fissure in the rock. As he investigated […]

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