All green plants, some algae, and even some bacteria are able to make food out of nothing more than air, water, light and a few minerals. The process is called photosynthesis, and without it we would run out of food to eat as well as oxygen to breathe. Th...

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Scientists have long known that ants lay down scent trails, using pheromones, to mark the trail to goodies for their nest mates. While this is an efficient method for food gathering, it has been found that when a food source is exhausted, the ants leave a...

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While many creatures create structured music – shall we say, songs? – it was thought that only man makes use of objects in the environment to get specific tone qualities. In other words, it was thought only man makes musical instruments. That claim ha...

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We all learned about photosynthesis at school. For this particular chemical reaction to take place, you need the chemical chlorophyll together with the essential ingredient, sunlight. For thousands of years, man has known that for green plants to prosper,...

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We have all seen it many times. A mother walking in a crowd with a small child loses track of her child and begins calling and searching for the little one. But can you imagine a crowd of 70 million mothers and children all looking for each other? That...

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For generations it was a rule that reptiles were cold blooded. And turtles, being reptiles, were therefore called cold blooded as well. Being cold blooded, it was expected that the body temperature of turtles would be close to that of the surrounding wate...

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The entire forty-first chapter of the book of Job describes a creature called “leviathan.” As in his earlier description of “behemoth,” the Lord is impressing Job with the wisdom and might of His creating power. And “leviatha...

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Have you ever noticed that many who believe in evolution depict early humans as so primitive that they had to live in caves while many kinds of animals build much more sophisticated shelters? This inconsistent thinking is built on the evolutionary assumpt...

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Do evolutionists believe that life always becomes more complex and sophisticated? Does evolution ever go backward? In 1893 a man named Dollo proposed a law that has become a cornerstone of evolutionary belief. Dollo’s law says that evolution always ...

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Proverbs 30:25 uses the word “people” in referring to ants. In the Hebrew, this word is the very same word commonly used throughout the Old Testament for people, including the people of Israel. While this might at first seem strange, it is tru...

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  • The Oracle of Delphi Was More than a Legend
    New archaeological evidence supports the factuality of the Greek legend about the prophet, or oracle, of Delphi. According to legend, the site where the oracle would prophesy was discovered thousands of years ago by a goat herder. He found that his goats acted strangely at a crack or fissure in the rock. As he investigated […]

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