Many different creatures, from mice to insects, eat seeds. The tropical forest offers the greatest variety of seeds found anywhere in the world. The problem is that among this great variety are seeds that are poisonous and others that are hard as rocks. Y...

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One interesting way in which to help young people gain an appreciation for God’s creation is to ask them to solve certain problems that the Creator Himself had to solve.   Let’s use the examples of seeds. Plants need seeds to produce the ...

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How would you like to live in a neighborhood where garbage was never collected and taken away? What if there was no provision in the creation for getting rid of waste? By now the Earth would have become a filthy mess! Our sewage and other waste does not b...

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What has three eyes, lives in the sea and can swim faster than most boats can travel? No, it’s not a creature from another planet. It’s the porpoise.   Science has long known that the porpoise navigates using sonar. Now they have learned ...

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Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species opened the modern era of evolutionary thinking. The very name of his book suggests that as we look back in time, we should see fewer kinds of animals. Darwin led many people to think that there should be a g...

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While scientists often talk about how it takes millions of years to form oil and gas deposits, they say little about the fact that oil and natural gas are forming today in the ocean’s sediments. The sediments of the Gulf of Mexico are well known exa...

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The water flea fills one of the lowest spots on the food chain. What this means is that even though the water flea is concerned about little else than going about his business, just about everyone else in the pond is interested in eating him. Not much lar...

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Most of us have heard a few of the theories that are offered to explain how birds are able to migrate for thousands of miles to an exact spot. The arctic tern migrates 22,000 miles a year to winter in the same spot where it wintered the previous year. But...

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If all life evolved from, and is related to, earlier forms of life, then closely related animals should also have similar kinds of chemicals in their bodies. As the science of biochemistry has grown, those who believe in evolution have held high hopes tha...

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Each one of us can learn about God’s way of working with us from a fresh water snail that is often preyed upon by crayfish. When life is easy and there are no crayfish around to threaten the snail, it usually lives only three to five months and grow...

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  • The Oracle of Delphi Was More than a Legend
    New archaeological evidence supports the factuality of the Greek legend about the prophet, or oracle, of Delphi. According to legend, the site where the oracle would prophesy was discovered thousands of years ago by a goat herder. He found that his goats acted strangely at a crack or fissure in the rock. As he investigated […]

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