What has three eyes, lives in the sea and can swim faster than most boats can travel? No, it’s not a creature from another planet. It’s the porpoise.   Science has long known that the porpoise navigates using sonar. Now they have learned ...

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Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species opened the modern era of evolutionary thinking. The very name of his book suggests that as we look back in time, we should see fewer kinds of animals. Darwin led many people to think that there should be a g...

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One of the most studied but least understood organs in the human body is the brain. The human brain is the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe. There are many different theories about how the brain works, but one universally recognized fact...

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These days, we don’t have to wait very long before we hear some nonsense about how flight or – more recently – space travel are but stages in human evolutionary development. As Christians, we know that when Adam, the first man, is described as p...

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While scientists often talk about how it takes millions of years to form oil and gas deposits, they say little about the fact that oil and natural gas are forming today in the ocean’s sediments. The sediments of the Gulf of Mexico are well known exa...

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Some things don’t have to be understood to be appreciated. You can enjoy the smell of dinner cooking or the scent of a rose without any idea of how your nose works. And believe it or not, you’re doing just as well as the most brilliant biologi...

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What would the typical living cell look like if enlarged to the size of New York City? Let’s take an imaginary journey through the cell. As we approach the giant cell in our special ship, we would see breathtaking beauty, order and busyness within t...

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Despite the fact that most microorganisms are necessary and good, throughout our lifetimes each of us encounters tens of thousands of different infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Even more remarkable is the fact that most of the time our i...

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Evolutionists say that human beings evolved from an ape like creature. And how do they claim to know this? Because they find various kinds of apes in the fossil record. As one would expect, some of these apes are a little – and I stress, a little – mo...

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The water flea fills one of the lowest spots on the food chain. What this means is that even though the water flea is concerned about little else than going about his business, just about everyone else in the pond is interested in eating him. Not much lar...

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  • Petrifying Ages
    How long does it take to petrify wood? Scientists who believe in those millions and billions of years that evolutionists are always talking about have never tested the answer to this question. They simply assumed that it must take hundreds or thousands of years to petrify wood. It wasn’t until the 1970s that scientists bothered […]

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