How long have people been living on Earth? The evolutionist says millions of years. Bible believing Christians generally say only about 6,000 years. But the answer to this question is amazingly simple.   If we start with only two people, and they hav...

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The language is so logical and precisely structured that it is being used to create a programming language that a computer can understand. Unlike most languages of the world, this language has few irregular verbs, no prepositions and almost no exceptions ...

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As spring comes to the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere, one of the first signs of spring is the blossom of the Lion’s Tooth. This bright yellow flower is also called the Irish daisy, priest’s crown, peasant’s cloak and yellow ...

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For generations we have heard that people become criminals and go to prison because of their parents, friends, poverty or society itself. Yet there has always been a majority of people who come from bad homes or poor neighborhoods who have lived responsib...

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Did you ever wonder why, while there are lots of round and cylindrical living things, there are almost no square plants or animals? Why isn’t there any animal that has a skeleton made out of metal? And while there are so many ways for living things ...

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One mystery that has intrigued humans for thousands of years is the location of the Garden of Eden. Even Sunday school children stare at maps and carefully read Genesis 2:8 14, trying to locate it. But when we wonder where the Garden of Eden was, there ar...

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Do you realize that the Bible’s own arguments have been stolen by evolutionary scientists in their attempt to prove that there are no such things as miracles? It’s past time that Christians reclaim those arguments in order to deflate the doubt...

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On Creation Moments, we often challenge evolution with examples that show that the creation is carefully and lovingly designed by the Creator. Many of these evidences leave evolutionists silent and unable to respond. But one evidence for design is so powe...

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Many of the features of the Earth’s surface have been formed by the cutting and eroding action of moving water. When you think about how hard rock is compared to water, it’s easy to believe that it must have taken hundreds of thousands or even...

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Historical science is one branch of human knowledge that consistently supports the biblical record. In Matthew 27:45 we read that darkness covered the land from 12:00 noon until 3:00 in the afternoon, while Christ hung dying on the cross for our sins. The...

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  • Petrifying Ages
    How long does it take to petrify wood? Scientists who believe in those millions and billions of years that evolutionists are always talking about have never tested the answer to this question. They simply assumed that it must take hundreds or thousands of years to petrify wood. It wasn’t until the 1970s that scientists bothered […]

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