Juan 10:35b “…y la Escritura no puede ser quebrantada,” Al leer Génesis 2 en castellano, podríamos tener la idea de que los humanos fueron creados antes de los animales e inclusive antes de las plantas.  Ya que esto parecería ser una clara contr...

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2 Chronicles 9:23“And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart.” When you look in a mirror you are conscious of seeing yourself. Bottlenose dolphins, elephants and primates in...

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Génesis 6:20 “De las aves según su especie, de las bestias según su especie, de todo reptil de la tierra según su especie, dos de cada especie entrarán contigo, para que tengan vida”. ¿Puede usted imaginarse a Noé intentando conseguir que algun...

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Jeremiah 5:26 “For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.” With no backbone and not much of a brain, the lobster is usually depicted as pretty low on the evolutionary sc...

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Psalm 107:8 “Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” Even life that exists where sunlight never reaches nevertheless gets its nutrients as a result of photosynthesis. Furthermore...

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Job 38:29“Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it?” The fact that dinosaur fossils are found in the Arctic suggests that there have been catastrophic changes on this Earth since those dinosaurs lived...

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Job 10:9 “Acuérdate de que como a barro me diste forma, ¿y en polvo me has de volver?” ¿Acaso la vida se formó por sí misma, sin un Creador, en alguna pequeña y cálida piscina de agua o de un poco de lodo hace muchos billones de años atrás? ...

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Job 36:22“Behold, God exalteth by his power: who teacheth like him?” While the development of a new science is helping mankind, it says something that many scientists did not intend to say. The science is called biomimetics. As the name sugges...

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Job 37:8 “Las fieras entran en sus guaridas y permanecen en sus moradas”. A menudo escuchamos a la gente hablar sobre las “formas simples de vida” o la “simple célula”.  ¿Existe realmente una “vida simple”?  Aunque a menudo hablamos so...

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Psalm 6:6“I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears.” The miracle takes place in the blink of an eye. Literally. Every time you blink, you bathe the surface of your eye with a miraculous f...

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  • Do Spiders Feel Pain?
    If you are like most people, you may not care whether spiders feel pain. However, because of the way spiders are designed, their ability to feel pain has implications for many other creatures. Like crabs and lizards, spiders are able to drop a leg when attacked. Spiders, too, have enemies. Among them is the poisonous […]

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