What has three eyes, lives in the sea and can swim faster than most boats can travel? No, it’s not a creature from another planet. It’s the porpoise.   Science has long known that the porpoise navigates using sonar. Now they have learned ...

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Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species opened the modern era of evolutionary thinking. The very name of his book suggests that as we look back in time, we should see fewer kinds of animals. Darwin led many people to think that there should be a g...

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2 Timoteo 1:13 “Retén la forma de las sanas palabras que de mí oíste, en la fe y amor que es en Cristo Jesús”. Si usted tiene un auto, usted sabe que tiene un motor, puertas y, por supuesto, llantas.  Hay algunas soluciones de ingeniería para lo...

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One of the most studied but least understood organs in the human body is the brain. The human brain is the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe. There are many different theories about how the brain works, but one universally recognized fact...

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These days, we don’t have to wait very long before we hear some nonsense about how flight or – more recently – space travel are but stages in human evolutionary development. As Christians, we know that when Adam, the first man, is described as p...

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1 Corintios 15:22 “Así como en Adán todos mueren, también en Cristo todos serán vivificados”. Algunas personas piensan que pueden creen en Cristo Jesús como su Salvador y al mismo tiempo creer que Dios creó a través de la evolución.  Esta...

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While scientists often talk about how it takes millions of years to form oil and gas deposits, they say little about the fact that oil and natural gas are forming today in the ocean’s sediments. The sediments of the Gulf of Mexico are well known exa...

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Salmos 94:9 “El que hizo el oído, ¿no oirá? El que formó el ojo, ¿no verá?” Los científicos han aprendido que el ojo es un órgano multipropósito.  Por mucho tiempo han intentado entender cómo nuestro reloj biológico está ajustado.  E...

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  • Does the Lion’s Tooth Bite Your Lawn?
    As spring comes to the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere, one of the first signs of spring is the blossom of the Lion’s Tooth. This bright yellow flower is also called the Irish daisy, priest’s crown, peasant’s cloak and yellow gowan. Its other name appears on the sides of bags of lawn care chemicals […]

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