Colossians 1:28 “Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus…” With the exception of basic messages such as aggression, communication between two entirely...

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II Pedro 3:5-6 “Estos ignoran voluntariamente que en el tiempo antiguo fueron hechos por la palabra de Dios los cielos y también la tierra, que proviene del agua y por el agua subsiste, por lo cual el mundo de entonces pereció anegado en agua”. El C...

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Job 36:5 “Behold, God is mighty, and despiseth not any: he is mighty in strength and wisdom.” As science learns more about the universe, some are suggesting that they see basic mathematical principles that underlie everything. This principle, ...

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Proverbs 30:27 “The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands…” Normally, the desert locusts mentioned in the Bible are shy and reclusive and are green in color. What turns them into the multi-colored army that sweeps ...

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Isaías 45:22 “¡Mirad a mí y sed salvos, todos los términos de la tierra, porque yo soy Dios, y no hay otro!” Las orquídeas engañan a las abejas y a otros insectos, estas orquídeas utilizan una variedad de sorprendentes métodos para hacer que l...

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Genesis 8:3a “And the waters returned from off the earth continually…” Visitors to the Grand Canyon will recall the Park Rangers saying that it took millions of years for water to carve out the Canyon. We have looked at examples of rapid...

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Job 38:3-4 “Ahora cíñete la cintura como un hombre: yo te preguntaré y tú me contestarás. ¿Dónde estabas tú cuando yo fundaba la tierra? ¡Házmelo saber, si tiene inteligencia!” Los pequeños “osos” de ocho patas conocidos como osos d...

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Malachi 4:2a “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings…” People and mammals have a multi-pronged immune system. When a bacterial infection is detected, cells begin to release nitric ox...

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  • Do Spiders Feel Pain?
    If you are like most people, you may not care whether spiders feel pain. However, because of the way spiders are designed, their ability to feel pain has implications for many other creatures. Like crabs and lizards, spiders are able to drop a leg when attacked. Spiders, too, have enemies. Among them is the poisonous […]

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