Amos 9:6 “Él edificó en el cielo su habitación y ha establecido su expansión sobre la tierra; él llama a las aguas del mar y sobre la faz de la tierra las derrama: Jehová es su nombre”. Cuando los medios de comunicación populares anuncian los h...

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Job 38:41“Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.” The shy bird called Clark’s nutcracker collects food during the growing season and stores it for the cold winter months. In ...

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James 2:19 “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” Speaking, singing, writing and body language are all familiar ways of communicating. Science has now learned of another means of communic...

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Genesis 4:2b“And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.” Until recently, it was thought that, excluding mankind, only a few insects, beetles, ants and termites actually farmed crops for their food supply. Then an amaz...

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Proverbios 2:6 “…porque Jehová da la sabiduría y de su boca proceden el conocimiento y la inteligencia”. Existen más de 20 especies de hormigas esclavistas.  Estas hormigas invaden las colonias de otras especies y se llevan las larvas y las ...

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Isaiah 40:8 “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” A flower called the dead-horse arum has a problem. The individual flowers are able to receive pollen for only one day. To make matters worse, i...

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  • Do Spiders Feel Pain?
    If you are like most people, you may not care whether spiders feel pain. However, because of the way spiders are designed, their ability to feel pain has implications for many other creatures. Like crabs and lizards, spiders are able to drop a leg when attacked. Spiders, too, have enemies. Among them is the poisonous […]

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