Australia has many animals that are not found anywhere else in the world today. One of the most unique is the wombat, which looks like a small bear with brown fur. The wombat is a burrowing animal.   Like many of Australia’s animals, the wombat...

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Hechos 21:2 “Y hallando un barco que pasaba a Fenicia, nos embarcamos y zarpamos”. Hoy miramos la migración europea hacia Norte América como uno de los resultados de una era más iluminada.  Cuando hacemos esto, olvidamos que los indios norteameric...

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The number of different kinds of insects in the world seems almost endless. There are millions. The larva of many of these insects feed on trees and bushes at least until they develop into adults. One would think, then, that we wouldn’t have any tre...

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In Psalm 148:3, the sun, moon and stars are specifically encouraged, along with the rest of creation, to praise God. And truly, God, as our Creator and our Savior through Jesus Christ, is worthy of all praise. But perhaps many Christians have been a littl...

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Génesis 11:6 “Y dijo Jehová: ‘El pueblo es uno, y todos estos tienen un solo lenguaje; han comenzado la obra y nada los hará desistir ahora de lo que han pensado hacer’”. Un malentendido de parte de la historia registrada en Génesis ha llevado...

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We hear it often: Christian values are to blame for most of the problems in society. Marriage is ridiculed as “just a piece of paper”. Strongly held convictions of right and wrong are said to be to blame for arguments, fights and wars. And by ...

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Is language learned or is it a built in part of our very nature? If we were made by a Creator who values communication, we would expect to have some built in language skills and desires. In fact, common features among all languages would also support the ...

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Números 13:27 “También les contaron: «Nosotros llegamos a la tierra a la cual nos enviaste, la que ciertamente fluye leche y miel; estos son sus frutos”. La miel siempre ha sido un alimento popular.  Durante miles de años era un símbolo de prosp...

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  • Petrifying Ages
    How long does it take to petrify wood? Scientists who believe in those millions and billions of years that evolutionists are always talking about have never tested the answer to this question. They simply assumed that it must take hundreds or thousands of years to petrify wood. It wasn’t until the 1970s that scientists bothered […]

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