Christians around the world believe that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary. To those who don’t believe in a Creator, the virgin birth of God in human flesh is beyond human comprehension. However, why should science deny what it can never unde...

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Efesios 4:14 “Así ya no seremos niños fluctuantes, llevados por doquiera de todo viento de doctrina, por estratagema de hombres que para engañar emplean con astucia las artimañas del error;”   Un buen método para evitar el ataque en la natur...

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Today we’re going to a school of fish to learn about the wisdom that God built into some 20,000 different species of fish. First of all, fish don’t learn how to school; they know how to school instinctively at birth. Schooling has advantages f...

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Christians, especially those who believe in creation, hear this question often, “If God created the world perfectly, why are there germs that cause disease? Why did He make them?” The fact is, only a tiny minority of all microbes cause disease...

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Salmos 104:24 “¡Cuán innumerables son tus obras, Jehová! Hiciste todas ellas con sabiduría;¡la tierra está llena de tus beneficios!” ¿Qué tan inteligente es el árbol más inteligente que usted haya conocido?  ¿Suena ridículo hablar de árb...

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The Choco Indians of Panama and Colombia use the poison from the skin of the beautiful poison dart frog to make their lethal darts. The bright orange and deep blue skin of this frog serves to warn predators that it is best left alone and its poisonous ski...

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1 Pedro 4:11 “Si alguno habla, hable conforme a las palabras de Dios; si alguno ministra, ministre conforme al poder que Dios da, para que en todo sea Dios glorificado por Jesucristo, a quien pertenecen la gloria y el imperio por los siglos de los siglo...

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Deep in the Venezuelan jungle, 60 miles from the nearest settlement, it appears as if God decided to plant a very special garden. That garden grows on a mountain that rises 7,000 feet on sheer cliffs above the jungle. The mountain, rising eventually to 9,...

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Génesis 11:1 “Tenía entonces toda la tierra una sola lengua y unas mismas palabras”. Luego de un ataque al corazón, un hombre en Baltimore de repente empezó a hablar con un acento escandinavo.  ¡Aunque él no tenía ninguna experiencia con lengu...

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  • The Unique Bdellas
    Scientists describe the creatures as mean, greedy and anti-social. They are also impressive chemists. That’s some reputation for a creature whose lifespan is only four hours. The short form of this microscopic creature’s name is simply bdella. Bdellas are predatory bacteria that live in fresh and salt water as well as in sewage. In the […]

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