For generations it was a rule that reptiles were cold blooded. And turtles, being reptiles, were therefore called cold blooded as well. Being cold blooded, it was expected that the body temperature of turtles would be close to that of the surrounding wate...

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Some Christians believe that God’s words in Genesis 1:3, “Let there be light” are a biblical description of the Big Bang that some scientists say created the universe. But, perhaps, we Christians should be a little more careful about ass...

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Most of us have heard of plants like the Venus flytrap and the pitcher plant, which eat meat, even if we’ve never seen one. But did you know that there are mushrooms that also eat meat? The oyster mushroom is one such mushroom. It grows on dead tree...

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I Pedro 5:8 “Sed sobrios y velad, porque vuestro adversario el diablo, como león rugiente, anda alrededor buscando a quien devorar”. Probablemente nunca ha escuchado del último animal con el cual usted no quisiera encontrarse sin defensa.  Este...

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The entire forty-first chapter of the book of Job describes a creature called “leviathan.” As in his earlier description of “behemoth,” the Lord is impressing Job with the wisdom and might of His creating power. And “leviatha...

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Have you ever noticed that many who believe in evolution depict early humans as so primitive that they had to live in caves while many kinds of animals build much more sophisticated shelters? This inconsistent thinking is built on the evolutionary assumpt...

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Juan 1:3 “Todas las cosas por medio de él fueron hechas, y sin él nada de lo que ha sido hecho fue hecho”. Los investigadores que estudian genética han concluido que el árbol evolucionista de la vida no refleja los hechos de la bioquímica. Pa...

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  • Petrifying Ages
    How long does it take to petrify wood? Scientists who believe in those millions and billions of years that evolutionists are always talking about have never tested the answer to this question. They simply assumed that it must take hundreds or thousands of years to petrify wood. It wasn’t until the 1970s that scientists bothered […]

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