Hechos 17:25 “…ni es honrado por manos de hombres, como si necesitara de algo, pues él es quien da a todos vida, aliento y todas las cosas”. Todos tenemos un número de relojes dentro de nosotros que nos ayudan a mantener la vida en forma const...

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Do you realize that the Bible’s own arguments have been stolen by evolutionary scientists in their attempt to prove that there are no such things as miracles? It’s past time that Christians reclaim those arguments in order to deflate the doubt...

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On Creation Moments, we often challenge evolution with examples that show that the creation is carefully and lovingly designed by the Creator. Many of these evidences leave evolutionists silent and unable to respond. But one evidence for design is so powe...

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1 Pedro 1:20-21 “Él estaba destinado desde antes de la fundación del mundo, pero ha sido manifestado en los últimos tiempos por amor de vosotros. Por medio de él creéis en Dios, quien lo resucitó de los muertos y le ha dado gloria, para que vuestr...

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Many of the features of the Earth’s surface have been formed by the cutting and eroding action of moving water. When you think about how hard rock is compared to water, it’s easy to believe that it must have taken hundreds of thousands or even...

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Romanos 1:22-23 “Pretendiendo ser sabios, se hicieron necios, y cambiaron la gloria del Dios incorruptible por imágenes de hombres corruptibles, de aves, de cuadrúpedos y de reptiles”. Hace algunos años, algunos arqueólogos descubrieron un pozo de...

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Historical science is one branch of human knowledge that consistently supports the biblical record. In Matthew 27:45 we read that darkness covered the land from 12:00 noon until 3:00 in the afternoon, while Christ hung dying on the cross for our sins. The...

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Romanos 8:29 “A los que antes conoció, también los predestinó para que fueran hechos conformes a la imagen de su Hijo, para que él sea el primogénito entre muchos hermanos”. ¿Cómo funciona su nariz?  Los investigadores médicos admiten que no ...

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Can the dead come back to life? While many scientists assure us that they cannot, the empty grave of Christ assures us that in Him everyone who trusts in His saving work on the cross of Calvary will live bodily with Him forever. When modern science tries ...

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  • Infants’ Talk Puzzles Scientists
      Because we were created by God who values communication and has always desired to communicate with us, we are born with the natural ability to learn and to speak language. Those who believe in evolution usually disbelieve that humans have the natural mental ability to speak, since they think both the ability to speak […]

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