Génesis 1:9-10 “Dijo también Dios: Júntense las aguas que están debajo de los cielos en un lugar, y descúbrase lo seco. Y fue así.  Y llamó Dios a lo seco Tierra, y a la reunión de las aguas llamó Mares. Y vio Dios que era bueno.” Al lado de...

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Romans 8:29 “For whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” How does your nose work? Medical researchers admit that they don’t know. Your nose performs an...

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Salmo 104:6 “Con el abismo, como con vestido, la cubriste; Sobre los montes estaban las aguas.” En una película de Laurel y Hardy, Stan Laurel contesta un teléfono, dice, “así es”, y cierra al receptor. Cuando Ollie pregunta lo que era,...

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Job 9:10 “He does great things past finding out, yes, wonders without number.” The relatively rare bucket orchid, Coryanthes, behaves almost like an animal at pollination time. This remarkable ability is essential to its survival. Coryanthes has a ste...

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Efesios 5:6 “Nadie os engañe con palabras vanas, porque por estas cosas viene la ira de Dios sobre los hijos de desobediencia.” Al estudiar los artículos de estilo popular acerca de La Evolución, es igual de importante, si no más importante, estud...

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1 John 4:19 “We love Him because He first loved us.” If I were to ask you whether you are left-handed or right-handed, you would probably answer with most people that you are right-handed. While that may be true, you are also left-handed … and your ...

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Colosenses 2:8 “Mirad que nadie os engañe por medio de filosofías y huecas sutilezas, según las tradiciones de los hombres, conforme a los rudimentos del mundo, y no según Cristo.” La palabra filosofía tiene una gran variedad de definiciones en e...

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Genesis 3:18 “Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field.” If God created the world and everything in it in perfection, where did disease, sickness and death come from? It’s clear from the Bibl...

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Apocalipsis 22:3 “Y no habrá más maldición…”  Sin intentar responder a todos los detalles del libro de Apocalipsis, es cierto que espera el fin de este mundo actual y un momento en que Dios haga un cielo nuevo y una tierra nueva, que será un lu...

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Genesis 5:2 “He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.” “God created them male and female.” That simple phrase heaps a world of problems on those who believe in evolution. Evolu...

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  • A Glowing Ballet
    Many creatures have complex and beautiful mating rituals. However, few are more wondrous or dramatic than the firefleas’ ritual. The fireflea is a marine crustacean about the size of a sesame seed. They are found in the Caribbean. Firefleas, as the name implies, are capable of generating light. The light is used to signal danger […]

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